Payment Methods


In cases of purchase of goods with PayPal payment method, at the same time as the conclusion of the online transaction, PayPal will immediately charge the amount relating to the purchase made.
In the event of cancellation of the order, either by the Customer or in the event of non-acceptance of the same by, the amount relating to the cancelled goods will be credited back to the Customer’s PayPal account. The time taken to credit your PayPal account depends solely on PayPal and the banking system. Once the amount has been credited back to the PayPal account, under no circumstances can be held liable for any damages, direct or indirect, caused by delays in the actual re-crediting dependent on PayPal or the banking system. reserves the right to request additional information (e.g. landline telephone number) from the customer in order to determine the actual ownership of the PayPal account. In the absence of the required documentation, reserves the right not to accept the order.

At no point in the purchase process is able to know the information relating to the buyer’s credit card or other methods chosen within the PayPal wallet.

Credit/debit/prepaid card

The security of your data is of paramount importance to us. We use Stripe as a third-party provider to securely handle your credit card payments. Stripe is considered one of the most reliable and authoritative providers of financial transactions with credit cards, having passed the audits required by the relevant PCI regulatory institutions with the PCI Service Provider Level 1 certification, the strictest of the certification levels issued.

We do not store or store your credit card information on our servers, as they are managed directly and exclusively by Stripe through a process called “tokenization” and stored on their secure servers. Credit card data is encrypted by Stripe on a hard drive in AES-256, while its decryption keys are stored in separate and distinct drives. No Stripe server or daemon can extract plaintext data about the credit cards in custody. Stripe’s primary infrastructure that manages the storage, decryption, and transmission of credit card data operates on separate equipment and does not share its credentials with the various communication interfaces (API procedures, websites, etc.).

Each transaction is then handled via encrypted security protocols in SSL and HSTS formats by Stripe’s software procedures included in our applications and by Stripe itself.

Bank transfer

It is possible to pay for the goods by making a bank transfer to:

Via Roma n.50/R – 24060 CREDARO – BG
C.F. and P.I. 03948390160
ABI 05034
CAB 53140
C/C 000000011991
IBAN IT62Z0503453140000000011991
BANK Banco Popolare
BRANCH Grumello del Monte – BG

The goods will only be dispatched after receipt of the payment credit. However, we recommend that you send the bank transfer receipt by email to: